Third Transnational Project Meeting – Day One

The meeting of all partners in the project was held at the Medical School with the dormitory “Sisters Ninković” in Kragujevac on May 25 and May 26, 2022.

The aim of the meeting was for all partners to participate in compiting the final version of the online manual and to reach an agreement on the dissemination process. The manual was prepared by the Medical School from Kragujevac in Serbian and English, with the support of partners, which shows the products of all partners of the project. As well as simulated real situations where the products of all partners were tested.

25.05.2022 first day:

On the first day, the manual was presented and all partners controlled it and together found solutions in order to create the most useful content for manual.

The meeting was attended by Sonja Popović, a teacher at the Medical School from Kragujevac, who had the task of making a basic version of the manual with the help of the school project team. She corrected mistakes at the meeting and tried to make the best possible version of the manual.

At the end of the meeting, it was concluded that the manual with all the necessary changes is ready for dissemination.

After the work, the partners had a cultural visit to Kragujevac, which ended in the restaurant Toru, which offers a view of the entire city.

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